Hello and welcome to my site! I’ve been W3DVX ever since the mid-1950s, and now doing more bench work than operating on the air.
You’ve probably come because you have amateur-radio equipment that needs to be built or serviced. This is the right place! I’ve been building radios ever since the first Heathkits, only now the equipment is smaller and does a lot more. I primarily work on the older ones: they’re the ones that need TLC!
As of early 2024, I am no longer servicing K1-K2-K3s. Now doing ONLY K3 and K3S tuneups.
If you need product service, contact
Dave Van Wallaghen, W8FGU, https://www.w8fgu.com/
As of August 2025, I will be shutting this site down and moving on to my next opportunity. If you need to copy photos or whatever, do it before the site goes dark.
It’s been fun doing all the many Elecrafts over the last couple decades, and making so many new friends, but now it’s time to pass all this to W8FGU to carry the torch. He’ll do a great job for you!
Now doing K3 updating mods to legacy K3’s. See list of updates you might want at https://elecraft.com/pages/mods-notes-alerts (Click on “Retired Products”)
K3 calibration and configuration is also available.
See my FaceBook page … I don’t do much with it, but it’s out there if you want to come visit!
Speaking of FB, I recently joined the group “Elecraft K3S and K3” … If you have either rig, you might want to check it out.
See what my clients have said about my construction and service work at
Click on my name to eMail me. Add in the “@” symbol in proper spot: I do that so web crawlers don’t pick up my address.
NOTE: I answer ALL eMail … if you don’t get my reply within a couple days, either I did NOT receive it, or my response landed in your spam folder. If all else fails, use <my call> at arrl.net … that forwards to me okay.
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