Digital Radio

For years – many years – I’ve used CW and SSB as my modes of choice.

Well, in the early days it was AM, and from there SSB; I was one of the few kilowatt 40-meter SSB stations on in the mid-to-late ’50s. That was when TVI was a bit of a problem, except that I did a lot of my operation during the daytime after school or on days off. Instead of TVI, I managed to put my audio on a neighbor’s PA system, right in the middle of a funeral. (I was off the air pronto after that escapade!)

Fast forward to a couple years ago when I first setup my K2-5373 for PSK31. One of my first difficulties was to have a constant-level audio. If I took the audio from the speaker or headphone jack, my waterfall would change every time I adjusted the AF gain control. That led me to a project where I ran the product-detector output directly to the rear panel. See the page and photos.

As soon as I collect my photos from my former (hacked) site, I’ll add that to the Digital Radio drop-down menu.



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