K2 – 5373

In early March 2007, I had the opportunity to purchase a partially-built K2 from Dave, KA3EAJ. He had already completed the front-panel board, the control board, and had just started the RF board. Because I build Elecrafts, and also take over when folks run into trouble or just don’t have the time to build, I was somewhat apprehensive about what I might have committed to. As it turned out, Dave’s work was excellent! His workmanship was entirely satisfactory, and I simply picked up where he left off.

Quick comment on the photos: When you click the thumbnails, you’ll notice that what you’re getting is a “progressive” download of a jpg image. You get an overview and then the gaps are filled in as the download continues; the alternative is a slow high-resolution image gradually completing from top to bottom.

So here’s the photographic chronology as this nice little transceiver comes to life …

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